My Internship experience with LetsGrowMore…

2 min readJul 23, 2021

I was looking for an internship to deepen my knowledge and showcase my skills. I am interested in web development and building web applications. I was thinking of learning the basics and doing a web development internship. I have applied for many web development roles at many websites and companies. But they didn’t answer. Most of them were the same, requiring experience or high-end skills. Then discover the LetsGrowMore LinkedIn company. Most of my connections were working there, so I thought of submitting them to grow further. At first I didn’t think I was being chosen, but I was barely selected. And I’ve assigned three tasks that can do two tasks done on the 25th. I took the time to research the work and started working for my work.

My Task1 builds a static website and has knowledge of how to build it on top of it. I also built it with the help of a mentor. And task2 is building a Reactjs application that creates a random user fetched from an API with the click of a button. Before this internship I had some knowledge of reactjs so I tried to implement it. So let’s get started on the project, delay or put it in the middle. Since I work for an internship, I have no choice but to work. I gained a lot of knowledge and skill and learned to work in a bottle situation.

I would Thank Aman sir and LetsGrowMore team for providing this great opportunity to work with letsGrowMore.

If you wish to work with LetsGrowMore you can apply here


Thank you

